The Trucks Are Rolling!!

The Coastal Resilience Grant work to fortify the dunes has started!  This is SPB’s most significant project to date.  We are adding 17,000 cubic yards of sand to strengthen the dunes on SPB property.  In the spring 2021, we will be planting grass on the enhanced dune.  As a reminder – PLEASE STAY OFF THE DUNES to keep this project safe and ensure its success.

Special thanks to all our supporters who made this work possible.  Please join your friends and neighbors in supporting this exciting endeavor.  Click here to donate.

For details on the Coastal Resilience Grant, read about Save Popponesset Bay on the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management website.

Thank you to our project partners Pastore Excavation and The Woods Hole group for ensuring the success of this grant work.

With trucks moving on and off the Spit it is possible that some sand may end up on the road and some lawns may experience truck marks.  We apologize in advance if this happens.  If you notice any damage please take pictures and send the details to info@savepopponessetbay.


No Alcohol Rule & New Spit Security


SPB Wins MA Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Coastal Resilience Grant!