What we do

Keeping the Waterways in and around Popponesset Bay safe and navigable

Keeping the Waterways in and around Popponesset Bay safe and navigable •


In our Mission Statement, we talk about

“Keeping the Waterways in and around Popponesset Bay safe and navigable.”

SPB partners closely with the Town of Mashpee and Barnstable County Dredge program. The Town annually dredges the outer channel leading from Popponesset Bay to Nantucket Sound with the sand then pumped onto the Spit. Currently, the Town excavates between 5,000 and 10,000 cubic yards before April 1 each year, prior to restrictions imposed to protect endangered bird species and certain fish.

SPB with the Town, is currently in the permitting process with the Army Corp. of Engineers to expand and lengthen the outer approach channel leading into Popponesset Bay from Nantucket Sound.

SPB holds the dredging permits for the channel at the tip of Popponesset Island. This channel links Popponesset Creek to Popponesset Bay. This channel is dredged on a need basis. SPB along with the Mashpee Harbormaster, has posted signs on the Spit to advise against swimming in this narrow channel due to boat traffic.

Popponesset Spit Maintenance

Part of SPB’s mission statement is to maintain the Spit to protect the community and resources for generations to come. After erosion from many storms, the coastal engineering firm Woods Hole Group declared the Spit in a state of crisis in 2014.

The SPB Board engaged on a multi-year plan to enhance the Spit with trucked and dredged sand. The sand is then graded according to specifications set by federal, state and local agencies. To anchor the sand, SPB plants dune grass and installs symbolic fencing to keep people off the top of the dunes. Seasonal signage gets installed every spring to identify the cross overs from Bay side to the Sound side.

We are proud of the work we have done and thank our friends and neighbors who have contributed financially to enable us to do this work.


The Spit is an endangered species preserve where birds come to nest and breed. Because of this the mere presence of dogs (leashed or unleashed) scares the birds and prevents nesting and breeding. Therefore, once the first Piping Plover is spotted we must enforce the No Dog rule through Labor Day. Failure to comply may result in regulatory agencies to taking away our right to use the Spit.

Save Popponesset Bay is proud to partner with Mass Audubon.

Please visit their website for more information.

SPB would like to share a letter with you that we received from Mass Audubon. We want you to be aware of one of the organizations that SPB partners with to ensure that our beloved Spit remains the wonderful place that it is for generations to come. Through your generous support we are able to assist with the endangered wildlife monitoring and preservation efforts by Audubon.

Thank you for  partnering with us  in 2020  to protect  the nesting shore birds  on Popponesset Spit. Coastal birds face  many challenges  along our busy coastline as they lay their lay their eggs  on the sand  and raise their young amidst the beach-going public.   Their success depends on all of us and it would not be possible for  Mass Audubon’s shore bird  monitors to do the work they do without partnerships.

Thank you very much for your support of our efforts; you have helped us  be successful in conserving coastal birds  through your partnership.   The participation and support of local communities in coastal bird conservation is essential and your role in this effort is  very  appreciated.   Please let us know if you have any questions or would like more information about shore birds  on Popponesset Spit.

We look forward to working together again next spring!

Water Quality

Mashpee has a significant water quality issue. SPB’s role is to maintain the flushing of the bay through the Outer Channel leading the Nantucket Sound. The flushing of this channel allows for proper water flow. It is a complicated problem and there is a need for clear information. We will share objective information and news, but we suggest reaching out to the Town of Mashpee or the Mashpee Clean Waters group to learn more and drive action.

Learn More!

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The future of our “happy place” depends on your support!